Emergency Food Pantry & Your Recipes

There’s no doubt, emergency preparedness requires making sure you have stored the food and water your family will need if the SHTF. Of course, exactly which food products you store as well as how much you need to put in your emergency food pantry will depend on the size of your family and the amount of time you feel you’ll need to live off your stash.


An important part of being able to make the most of your emergency food storage is knowing how to use it. You should regularly rotate your food stores to ensure it remains as fresh as possible. Additionally, knowing how to use the foods you’ve put aside will be an important part of feeding your family nutritious and delicious meals during an emergency.


All Stocked Up, But Now What?


If you don’t know what to do with that can of dehydrated peas or freeze dried strawberries, you’ll likely not be able to enjoy the quality meals your emergency stockpile should be able to provide. Many of your regular recipes can be adapted and used with the foods in your emergency food pantry. Rotate your food stores by using them to make delicious meals and snacks for your family. The more you use these products, the more familiar they will become. You’ll be able to create many delicious recipes that will become family favorites. The best part is you’ll be able to continue making these dishes, even when a disaster strikes.


Prepare Your Emergency Food Pantry with Your Favorite Recipes

Recipes for your emergency food pantry.

Many people have a great repertoire of delicious recipes that they plan on using with their emergency food stores; however, these recipes might be pinned online or downloaded to their computer. When the SHTF, will you know how to prepare those meals your family has come to enjoy? Do you have hard copies of your favorite recipes? An important part of an emergency food storage plan is having your recipes accessible.


You can create a binder with your recipes stored neatly in sheet protectors or use index cards and a file box. Be sure to keep your binder or recipe box stored with your food supplies.



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